What do I need to send to Fisen to get a quote?
To obtain a quote, please provide requested scope along with any relevant support docs (base unit selections, plans, etc.)
What do I need to send to Fisen to get a submittal?
To obtain a submittal, please email your signed proposal, base unit selection program files along with any relevant support docs to your Fisen sales contact.
What do I need to sent to Fisen to get my project started?
To release a project Fisen requires a purchase order in additional to a signed submittal.
When do I get my estimated ship date?
Within 3 business days after release to Fisen, your ESD will be posted to Fisenusa.com on the website when you login and click on the 'Orders and Tracking' tab. Please note: projects will only be considered released upon sales confirmation; including but not limited to receiving a signed proposal. Approved - No exceptions submittal and a copy of customers Purchase Order, unless otherwise stated.
Where can I find my estimated ship date?
On the website under the 'Orders and Tracking' tab.
Can I release equipment at the factory BEFORE I release to Fisen?
No, this will result in serious project delays.
Who do I call if I need support after the equipment has shipped from Fisen?
Who handles the warranty, Johnson or Fisen?
Fisen is an authorized manufacturer for Johnson Controls, this means we work together to solve those problems. For more information, please click here.
How can I get supporting documentation (IOM's, schematics etc)?
Email techsupport@fisenusa.com
Can I bring customers to the Fisen Factory?
Of course. A picture is worth a thousand words, but a visit may be worth a million. Please coordinate any factory visit with the Fisen sales department at sales@fisenusa.com.
Can I get someone from Fisen to help start up my new equipment?
Yes. Due to the amount of coordination required to visit a jobsite, this is best done as early in the project as possible.
What are your warranty terms?
Standard terms are 12/18 parts only. Warranty terms are project dependent, please check your Fisen submittal.
Can I get onsite support after the warranty expires?
Yes, please contact Fisen technical support to discuss by clicking here.
How long are quotes valid?
As standard, quotes are valid for 60 days. Exceptions may be made upon request.
What are Fisen lead times?
When Fisen is receiving equipment from the factory, our lead times are based on Fisen being released the same time the equipment is released from the factory. The overall project lead time is the lead time of the unit from the factory PLUS the lead time of the Fisen modifications. Example, if the equipment lead time is 4 weeks from the factory and the Fisen lead time is 5 weeks from arrival of that unit, the total lead time is 9 weeks from release. This does not include shipping/transit time.
IF Fisen is not receiving any equipment to modify, but is building a product from the ground up to ship directly to the site, the lead time will be quoted on a per project basis and will reference the release date. Example, 8 weeks from Fisen release.
Do you modify non-JCI equipment?
We evaluate on a case by base basis. Please contact your Fisen sales representative to discuss the opportunity by clicking here.